

Full Page Samples

Trending Repositories

Spoken Language: Any
Language: Any
Date Range: Today
A PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.
Built by
Patrick Welch
Lucille Sanchez
Beverly Reyes
402 stars today
A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes.
Built by
Patrick Welch
Lucille Sanchez
Beverly Reyes
172 stars today
Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS).
Built by
Patrick Welch
Lucille Sanchez
Beverly Reyes
302 stars today
Learning to scrape using the trape tool.
Built by
Patrick Welch
Lucille Sanchez
Beverly Reyes
789 stars today
Copy to Clipboard
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pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { wrap: true}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("legend", props: { padding_right: "xs", color: "data_3", text: "C" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { padding_right: "sm", icon: "star", text: "2,278" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { padding_right: "sm", icon: "bezier-curve", text: "1,366" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_right: "sm", text: "Built by", color: "light" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("multiple_users", props: { classname: "ml-3", users: [ { name: "Patrick Welch", image_url: "", }, { name: "Lucille Sanchez", image_url: "", }, { name: "Beverly Reyes", image_url: "", }, { name: "Keith Craig", image_url: "", }, { name: "Alicia Cooper", image_url: "", } ] }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "star", text: "302 stars today" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> </div> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <div class="p_sm"> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {orientation: "column", horizontal: "stretch"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {classname: "flex-container", spacing: "between"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <h3> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "book", fixed_width: true }) %> <%= link_to "jofpin / trape" %> </h3> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("button", props: { variant: "secondary" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "star" }) %> <span>Star</span> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { padding_bottom: "xs" }) do %> Learning to scrape using the trape tool. <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {classname: "flex-container", spacing: "between"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { wrap: true}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("legend", props: { padding_right:"xs", color: "data_2", text: "Python" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { padding_right:"sm", icon: "star", text: "2,278" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { padding_right:"sm", icon: "bezier-curve", text: "1,366" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_right:"sm", text: "Built by", color: "light" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("multiple_users", props: { classname: "ml-3", users: [ { name: "Patrick Welch", image_url: "", }, { name: "Lucille Sanchez", image_url: "", }, { name: "Beverly Reyes", image_url: "", }, { name: "Keith Craig", image_url: "", }, { name: "Alicia Cooper", image_url: "", } ] }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "star", text: "789 stars today" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> </div> <% end %> <% end %> </div>
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            A PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.
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            A fork of youtube-dl, for archival purposes.
          <% end %>

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          <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { padding_bottom: "xs" }) do %>
            Apache NuttX is a mature, real-time embedded operating system (RTOS).
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                        users: [
                            name: "Patrick Welch",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Lucille Sanchez",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Beverly Reyes",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Keith Craig",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Alicia Cooper",
                            image_url: "",
                        }) %>
                  <% end %>
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            <% end %>
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          <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { padding_bottom: "xs" }) do %>
            Learning to scrape using the trape tool.
          <% end %>

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              <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
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                <%= pb_rails("flex") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
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                  <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("multiple_users", props: { classname: "ml-3",
                        users: [
                            name: "Patrick Welch",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Lucille Sanchez",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Beverly Reyes",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Keith Craig",
                            image_url: "",
                            name: "Alicia Cooper",
                            image_url: "",
                        }) %>
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            <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
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