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IRS will allow employers to match their employees' student loan...
r/PersonalFinance and more
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Hong Kong democrat Ted Hui confirms he will go into exile...
r/WorldNews and more
Relaxing Inside the Space Station's Window to the World...
r/Space and more
MIT programmed AI that can design its own robots...
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• Posted by u/xhuljanomuca
LPT: If you ever need a program you want for free (for example a video/photo editor) don’t search for “free,” search for “open source” to avoid limited trial versions, adverts and malware


• Posted by u/stephenmckeon
Foggy morning.


• Posted by u/creativebloq

Use white space!

It seems to be the hardest concept for developers to grasp: the biggest benefit to having the proper amount of white space is giving the user a break. Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text.
The key is to ensure that white space has a relationship with other objects on the page, including the other space. If you have a single column of white space, make sure there's another single column of white space around to balance it.
For vertical space, just use fractions of the body font size. I tend to keep things simple and use a scale of .25, but there are several other scales that you can use.
For example, if the body font size is 16px(1em): 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48. This allows for choosing font sizes by simply moving up and down the scale as I want larger or smaller type...



• Posted by u/xhuljanomuca 1 month ago
LPT: If you ever need a program you want for free (for example a video/photo editor) don’t search for “free,” search for “open source” to avoid limited trial versions, adverts and malware



• Posted by u/stephenmckeon 13 hours ago
Foggy morning.



• Posted by u/creativebloq 1 week ago

Use white space!

It seems to be the hardest concept for developers to grasp: the biggest benefit to having the proper amount of white space is giving the user a break. Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text.
The key is to ensure that white space has a relationship with other objects on the page, including the other space. If you have a single column of white space, make sure there's another single column of white space around to balance it.
For vertical space, just use fractions of the body font size. I tend to keep things simple and use a scale of .25, but there are several other scales that you can use.
For example, if the body font size is 16px(1em): 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48. This allows for choosing font sizes by simply moving up and down the scale as I want larger or smaller type...
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margin_top: "sm",text: "Computers", variant: "primary" }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "1.4k Comments" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "folder-plus", margin_left: "sm", text: "Save" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Mobile post 2 %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "none" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "100%", padding: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: "camera", size: "xs", variant: "blue" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, tag: "h4", text: "r/Pics" }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: 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Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's "\ "a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text." }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_top: "sm", text: "The key is to ensure that white space has a relationship with other objects on the page, including the other space. "\ "If you have a single column of white space, make sure there's another single column of white space around to balance it." }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", padding_top: "sm", text: "For vertical space, just use fractions of the body font size. I tend to keep things simple and use a scale of .25, "\ "but there are several other scales that you can use." }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_top: "sm", color: "lighter", text: "For example, if the body font size is 16px(1em): 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48. "\ "This allows for choosing font sizes by simply moving up and down the scale as I want larger or smaller type..." }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "32 Comments" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "folder-plus", margin_left: "sm", text: "Save" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> </div> <div class="desktop-only"> <%= pb_rails("layout", props: { position: "right", size: "xl" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("layout/body") do %> <%# Desktop nav bar %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { spacing: "between" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("nav", props: { orientation: "horizontal"}) do %> <%= 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do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "arrow-alt-up", margin_left: "xs", size: "1x" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin: "xs", margin_left: "none", size: 4, text: "66.2k" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "arrow-alt-down", margin_left: "xs", size: "1x" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { padding_x: "xs", padding_y: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: "lightbulb-on", size: "xs", variant: "yellow" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, text: "r/LifeProTips" }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: "• Posted by u/xhuljanomuca 1 month ago" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_right: "md", padding_top: "xs", text: "LPT: If you ever need a program you want for free (for example a video/photo editor) don’t search "\ "for “free,” search for “open source” to avoid limited trial versions, adverts and malware", }) %> <%= pb_rails("pill", props: { margin_top: "sm",text: "Computers", variant: "primary" }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "1.4k Comments" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "folder-plus", margin_left: "sm", text: "Save" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Desktop post 2 %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "none" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin_left: "sm", margin_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "arrow-alt-up", margin_left: "xs", size: "1x" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin: "xs", margin_left: "none", size: 4, text: "8297" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "arrow-alt-down", margin_left: "xs", size: "1x" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "85%", padding_x: "xs", padding_y: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: "camera", size: "xs", variant: "blue" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, tag: "h4", text: "r/Pics" }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: "• Posted by u/stephenmckeon 13 hours ago" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "xs", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { text: "Foggy morning." }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin_left: "xs" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("pill", props: { text: "OC", variant: "success" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { horizontal: "center", margin_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= 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size: "1x" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { padding_left: "xs", padding_right: "xl", padding_y: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: "browser", variant: "purple", size: "xs" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, tag: "h4", text: "r/WebDesign" }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: "• Posted by u/creativebloq 1 week ago" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding_right: "md", padding_top: "xs", size: 4, text: "Use white space!" }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_top: "sm", text: "It seems to be the hardest concept for developers to grasp: the biggest benefit to having the proper amount of "\ "white space is giving the user a break. Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's "\ "a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text." }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_top: "sm", text: "The key is to ensure that white space has a relationship with other objects on the page, including the other space. "\ "If you have a single column of white space, make sure there's another single column of white space around to balance it." }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", padding_top: "sm", text: "For vertical space, just use fractions of the body font size. I tend to keep things simple and use a scale of .25, "\ "but there are several other scales that you can use." }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_top: "sm", color: "lighter", text: "For example, if the body font size is 16px(1em): 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48. "\ "This allows for choosing font sizes by simply moving up and down the scale as I want larger or smaller type..." }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "32 Comments" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "folder-plus", margin_left: "sm", text: "Save" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Start side bar (desktop only) %> <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "light" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("layout/sidebar", props: { margin_left: "md" }) do %> <%# Communities card %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { header: true, padding: "none", shadow: "deeper" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("card/card_header", props: { padding: "xs", header_color: "category_1" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding: "xs", padding_right: "sm", classname: "dark" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "tree-large", size: "4x" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { classname: "dark", margin: "xs", margin_right: "sm", text: "Outdoor communities — they're really out there", }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% communities.each do |community| %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding: "xs", padding_left: "sm", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: community[:icon], size: "sm", variant: community[:variant] }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, text: community[:sub_readit] }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") unless community == communities.last %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("layout/body", props: { padding_x: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("button", props: { full_width: true, margin_top: "xs", text: "VIEW ALL" }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_y: "sm", spacing: "between" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Top", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %> <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Near You", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %> <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Aww", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %> <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Fitness", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Readit premium card %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "xs", shadow: "deeper" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { margin: "xs", spacing: "between", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "shield-alt", margin_right: "sm", size: "2x" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { size: 4, text: "Readit Premium" }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: "The best Readit experience, with monthly Coins" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("button", props: { padding_x: "sm", text: "TRY NOW", variant: "secondary" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Trending communities card %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "sm", shadow: "deeper" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding: "xs", size: 4, text: "Trending Communities" }) %> <% trending_communities.each do |community| %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_y: "xs", spacing: "between", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: community[:icon], size: "sm", variant: community[:variant] }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, text: community[:sub_readit] }) %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: community[:members] }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("button", props: { text: "JOIN", variant: "secondary" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# End side bar (desktop only) %> <% end %> </div> <%# End Popular Posts %> <% end %> <% end %>
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<% trending_stories = [
    header_color: "category_1",
    header_text: "Finance",
    image_url: "",
    card_text: "IRS will allow employers to match their employees' student loan...",
    icon: "dollar-sign",
    variant: "green",
    sub_readit: "r/PersonalFinance and more"
  }, {
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    header_text: "World News",
    image_url: "",
    card_text: "Hong Kong democrat Ted Hui confirms he will go into exile...",
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  }, {
    header_color: "category_3",
    header_text: "Space",
    image_url: "",
    card_text: "Relaxing Inside the Space Station's Window to the World...",
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    variant: "blue",
    sub_readit: "r/Space and more"
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    header_color: "category_4",
    header_text: "Tech",
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    card_text: "MIT programmed AI that can design its own robots...",
    icon: "microchip",
    variant: "royal",
    sub_readit: "r/Technology and more"
] %>

<% communities = [
  { sub_readit: "r/Fishing", variant: "teal", icon: "fish" },
  { sub_readit: "r/Outdoors", variant: "green", icon: "trees" },
  { sub_readit: "r/MostBeautiful", variant: "yellow", icon: "sun" },
  { sub_readit: "r/Camping", variant: "red", icon: "campfire" },
  { sub_readit: "r/Homestead", variant: "blue", icon: "farm" },
] %>

<% trending_communities = [
  { sub_readit: "r/Food", variant: "blue", icon: "utensils", members: "1,239,257 members" },
  { sub_readit: "r/Gaming", variant: "red", icon: "gamepad", members: "4,125,270 members" },
  { sub_readit: "r/aww", variant: "yellow", icon: "paw", members: "2,037,816 members" },
  { sub_readit: "r/Movies", variant: "royal", icon: "camera-movie", members: "1,392,777 members" },
  { sub_readit: "r/GraphicDesign", variant: "purple", icon: "pencil-paintbrush", members: "28,270 members" },
] %>

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                    "for “free,” search for “open source” to avoid limited trial versions, adverts and malware",
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              <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %>
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            <% end %>
            <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding_right: "md", padding_top: "xs", size: 4,  text: "Use white space!" }) %>
            <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
              padding_top: "sm",
              text: "It seems to be the hardest concept for developers to grasp: the biggest benefit to having the proper amount of "\
                    "white space is giving the user a break. Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's "\
                    "a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text."
            }) %>
            <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
              padding_top: "sm",
              text: "The key is to ensure that white space has a relationship with other objects on the page, including the other space. "\
                    "If you have a single column of white space, make sure there's another single column of white space around to balance it."
            }) %>
            <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
              color: "light",
              padding_top: "sm",
              text: "For vertical space, just use fractions of the body font size. I tend to keep things simple and use a scale of .25, "\
                    "but there are several other scales that you can use."
            }) %>
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              padding_top: "sm",
              color: "lighter",
              text: "For example, if the body font size is 16px(1em): 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48. "\
                    "This allows for choosing font sizes by simply moving up and down the scale as I want larger or smaller type..."
            }) %>
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              <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "32 Comments" }) %>
              <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %>
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              <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %>
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                  <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: "• Posted by u/xhuljanomuca 1 month ago" }) %>
                <% end %>
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                  padding_right: "md",
                  padding_top: "xs",
                  text: "LPT: If you ever need a program you want for free (for example a video/photo editor) don’t search "\
                        "for “free,” search for “open source” to avoid limited trial versions, adverts and malware",
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                <% end %>
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                  <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "xs", vertical: "center" }) do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                      <%= pb_rails("body", props: { text: "Foggy morning." }) %>
                    <% end %>
                    <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin_left: "xs" }) do %>
                      <%= pb_rails("pill", props: { text: "OC", variant: "success" }) %>
                    <% end %>
                  <% end %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { horizontal: "center", margin_top: "sm" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("image", props: {
                    classname: "post-image-desktop",
                    url: ""
                  }) %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "112 Comments" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "folder-plus", margin_left: "sm", text: "Save" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>

          <%# Desktop post 3 %>
          <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "none" }) do %>
            <%= pb_rails("flex") do %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin_left: "sm", margin_top: "sm" }) do %>
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                <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin: "xs", margin_left: "none", size: 4, text: "467" }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "arrow-alt-down", margin_left: "xs", size: "1x" }) %>
              <% end %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { padding_left: "xs", padding_right: "xl", padding_y: "sm" }) do %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: "browser", variant: "purple", size: "xs" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, tag: "h4", text: "r/WebDesign" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: "• Posted by u/creativebloq 1 week ago" }) %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding_right: "md", padding_top: "xs", size: 4,  text: "Use white space!" }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
                  padding_top: "sm",
                  text: "It seems to be the hardest concept for developers to grasp: the biggest benefit to having the proper amount of "\
                        "white space is giving the user a break. Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's "\
                        "a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text."
                }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
                  padding_top: "sm",
                  text: "The key is to ensure that white space has a relationship with other objects on the page, including the other space. "\
                        "If you have a single column of white space, make sure there's another single column of white space around to balance it."
                }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
                  color: "light",
                  padding_top: "sm",
                  text: "For vertical space, just use fractions of the body font size. I tend to keep things simple and use a scale of .25, "\
                        "but there are several other scales that you can use."
                }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
                  padding_top: "sm",
                  color: "lighter",
                  text: "For example, if the body font size is 16px(1em): 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48. "\
                        "This allows for choosing font sizes by simply moving up and down the scale as I want larger or smaller type..."
                }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "comment-alt", text: "32 Comments" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "share", margin_left: "sm", text: "Share" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "folder-plus", margin_left: "sm", text: "Save" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon_value", props: { icon: "ellipsis-h", margin_left: "sm", text: "" }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>

        <%# Start side bar (desktop only) %>
        <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "light" }) do %>
          <%= pb_rails("layout/sidebar", props: { margin_left: "md" }) do %>
            <%# Communities card %>
            <%= pb_rails("card", props: { header: true, padding: "none", shadow: "deeper" }) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("card/card_header", props: { padding: "xs", header_color: "category_1" }) do %>
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                  <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding: "xs", padding_right: "sm", classname: "dark" }) do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "tree-large", size: "4x" }) %>
                  <% end %>
                  <%= pb_rails("body", props: {
                    classname: "dark",
                    margin: "xs",
                    margin_right: "sm",
                    text: "Outdoor communities — they're really out there",
                  }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
              <% communities.each do |community| %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding: "xs", padding_left: "sm", vertical: "center" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: community[:icon], size: "sm", variant: community[:variant] }) %>
                  <% end %>
                  <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, text: community[:sub_readit] }) %>
                  <% end %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("section_separator") unless community == communities.last %>
              <% end %>
              <%= pb_rails("layout/body", props: { padding_x: "sm" }) do %>
                <%= pb_rails("button", props: { full_width: true, margin_top: "xs", text: "VIEW ALL" }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_y: "sm", spacing: "between" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Top", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Near You", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Aww", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("badge", props: { text: "Fitness", variant: "neutral", padding: "xs" }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>

            <%# Readit premium card %>
            <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "xs", shadow: "deeper" }) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { margin: "xs", spacing: "between", vertical: "center" }) do %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "shield-alt", margin_right: "sm", size: "2x" }) %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("title", props: { size: 4, text: "Readit Premium" }) %>
                  <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: "The best Readit experience, with monthly Coins" }) %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("button", props: { padding_x: "sm", text: "TRY NOW", variant: "secondary" }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>

            <%# Trending communities card %>
            <%= pb_rails("card", props: { margin_top: "sm", padding: "sm", shadow: "deeper" }) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding: "xs", size: 4, text: "Trending Communities" }) %>
              <% trending_communities.each do |community| %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_y: "xs", spacing: "between", vertical: "center" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("flex") do %>
                      <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                        <%= pb_rails("icon_circle", props: { icon: community[:icon], size: "sm", variant: community[:variant] }) %>
                      <% end %>
                      <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                        <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_left: "xs", size: 4, text: community[:sub_readit] }) %>
                        <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "light", margin_left: "xs", text: community[:members] }) %>
                      <% end %>
                    <% end %>
                  <% end %>
                  <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("button", props: { text: "JOIN", variant: "secondary" }) %>
                  <% end %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
        <%# End side bar (desktop only) %>
      <% end %>
    <%# End Popular Posts %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>