

Card Samples

Card Dashboard

Pipeline Chart

Add to Cart
Shopping Cart
Payment Methods
Delivery Methods
Tickets (YTD)
Closed Without Action (YTD)
Escalated (YTD)

Total Revenue



Last Week


New Clients


Returning Clients


VIP Clients


Orders on Clients


Bounce on Clients

30.77 %

Days Between Orders

3 days

New Orders


Confirmed Orders



Total Revenue

Total sales made today


Last Week


Last Month


Copy to Clipboard
<% performance_legend = [ { title: "Revenue", change: "increase", value: 26.0 }, { title: "Orders", change: "decrease", value: 2.0 }, { title: "Profit", change: "increase", value: 5.0 }, { title: "Average Check", change: "", value: 0.0 }, { title: "Canceled", change: "decrease", value: 18.0 }, { title: "Repeat Sales", change: "", value: 0.0 }, ] pipeline_data = [ { label: "Add to Cart", percent: 100.0, value: 2577 }, { label: "Shopping Cart", percent: 79.0, value: 2023 }, { label: "Payment Methods", percent: 59.0, value: 1567 }, { label: "Delivery Methods", percent: 56.0, value: 1252 }, { label: "Confirm", percent: 49.0, value: 1182 }, { label: "Delivery", percent: 46.0, value: 1098 }, ] ticket_data = [ { icon: "ticket-alt", variant: "green", size: "lg", text: "Tickets (YTD)", value: 1426.0 }, { icon: "times-square", variant: "red", size: "lg", text: "Overdue", value: 25.0 }, { icon: "tasks", variant: "teal", size: "lg", text: "Closed Without Action (YTD)", value: 97.0 }, { icon: "exclamation-triangle", variant: "yellow", size: "lg", text: "Escalated (YTD)", value: 896.0 }, ] total_revenue_green = { color: "green", data: [{ name: "Total Sales", value: 80, }], prices: [ { amount: "1000", name: "Target" }, { amount: "224", name: "Last Week" }, { amount: "965", name: "Last Month" } ] } bar_graph = { legend: [ { value: 1000, label: "Target" }, { value: 543, label: "Last Week" }, ], data: [{ name: "Sales Report", data: [343, 135, 665, 903, 571, 191, 173, 520, 917] }] } grid_data = [ { title: "New Clients", value: 35, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" }, { title: "Returning Clients", value: 8, percent: 5.0, status: "positive" }, { title: "VIP Clients", value: 1, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" }, { title: "Orders on Clients", value: 1.44, percent: 5.0, status: "positive" }, { title: "Bounce on Clients", value: 30.77, unit: "%", percent: 5.0, status: "positive" }, { title: "Days Between Orders", value: 3, percent: 0.0, unit: "days" }, { title: "New Orders", value: 26, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" }, { title: "Confirmed Orders", value: 15, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" }, ] def sign(data) data.key?(:status) ? ( data[:status] == "positive" ? "+" : "-" ) : "" end %> <%# Completion Chart %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", border_none: true, shadow: "deeper",margin: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "Pipeline Chart", tag: "h4", size: 4, padding: "sm" }) %> <%= pb_rails("circle_icon_button", props: { variant: "link", icon: "ellipsis-h" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <% pipeline_data.each do |info| %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between", padding: "sm"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: {fixed_size: "100px"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: info[:label], size: 'xs' }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: {grow:true}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center", spacing: "around"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("progress_simple", props: { width: "100px",percent: info[:percent] }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { margin_left: "xs", text: "#{info[:percent]}%", size: 'xs' }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: {text: "#{info[:value]}"}) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Grid %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { border_none: true, shadow: "deeper",padding:"none", margin: "sm"}) do %> <div class="gridone"> <% ticket_data.each do |ticket|%> <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "white", padding: "md"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {horizontal: "left", vertical: "center"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item",props:{fixed_size: "215px"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon_stat_value", props: ticket ) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> </div> <% end %> <%# Bar Graph with Legend %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", margin: "sm", border_none: true, shadow: "deeper" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "Total Revenue", tag: "h4", size: 4, padding: "sm" }) %> <%= pb_rails("circle_icon_button", props: { variant: "link", icon: "ellipsis-h" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <%= pb_rails("card/card_body", props: { padding_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("bar_graph", props: { chart_data: bar_graph[:data], id: "bar-default", y_axis_min: 0, x_axis_categories:[], height: "75%", }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator", props: { margin_y: "md" }) %> <%= pb_rails("card/card_body") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { classname: "flex-container", spacing: "between", horizontal: "center", margin: "xs", wrap: true }) do %> <% bar_graph[:legend].each do |price| %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin_x: "xl" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("currency", props: { amount: price[:value].to_s, label: price[:label], emphasized: false, margin_bottom: "md", size: "md", symbol: "$", variant: "light", }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%# Number Grid %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { border_none: true, shadow: "deeper", margin:"sm", padding:"none" }) do %> <div class="gridtwo"> <% grid_data.each do |data| %> <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "white", padding: "md"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { orientation: "column", wrap: true}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: data[:title] }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "#{data[:value]}#{data.key?(:unit) ? " " + data[:unit] : "" }", tag: "h3", size: 3 }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { text: "#{sign(data)}#{data[:percent].to_i}%", status: data.key?(:status) ? data[:status] : nil, value: data[:percent], margin_left: "xs" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> </div> <% end %> <%# Gauge With Legend %> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", border_none: true, shadow: "deeper", margin: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "Total Revenue", tag: "h4", size: 4, padding: "sm" }) %> <%= pb_rails("circle_icon_button", props: { variant: "link", icon: "ellipsis-h" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <%= pb_rails("card/card_body", props: { margin_top: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {orientation: "column", vertical: "center", horizontal: "center"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("gauge", props: { id: "full-circle", chart_data: total_revenue_green[:data], full_circle: true, }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: "Total sales made today" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator", props: { margin_y: "md" }) %> <%= pb_rails("card/card_body", props: { padding: "none" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { classname: "flex-container", spacing: "between", horizontal: "center", margin: "xs", wrap: true }) do %> <% total_revenue_green[:prices].each do |price| %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("currency", props: { amount: price[:amount], label: price[:name], margin_bottom: "md", size: "md", symbol: "$", variant: "light", }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <style> [class^=grid]{ display: grid; gap: 1px; background-color: #e4e8f0; /* $border_light */ grid-template: auto auto / auto auto; } .gridtwo{ grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(4,1fr); } </style>
  performance_legend = [
    { title: "Revenue", change: "increase", value: 26.0 },
    { title: "Orders", change: "decrease", value: 2.0 },
    { title: "Profit", change: "increase", value: 5.0 },
    { title: "Average Check", change: "", value: 0.0 },
    { title: "Canceled", change: "decrease", value: 18.0 },
    { title: "Repeat Sales", change: "", value: 0.0 },

  pipeline_data = [
    { label: "Add to Cart", percent: 100.0, value: 2577 },
    { label: "Shopping Cart", percent: 79.0, value: 2023 },
    { label: "Payment Methods", percent: 59.0, value: 1567 },
    { label: "Delivery Methods", percent: 56.0, value: 1252 },
    { label: "Confirm", percent: 49.0, value: 1182 },
    { label: "Delivery", percent: 46.0, value: 1098 },

  ticket_data = [
    { icon:  "ticket-alt", variant: "green", size: "lg", text: "Tickets (YTD)", value: 1426.0 },
    { icon:  "times-square", variant: "red", size: "lg", text: "Overdue", value: 25.0 },
    { icon:  "tasks", variant: "teal", size: "lg", text: "Closed Without Action (YTD)", value: 97.0 },
    { icon:  "exclamation-triangle", variant: "yellow", size: "lg", text: "Escalated (YTD)", value: 896.0 },

  total_revenue_green = {
    color: "green",
    data: [{
      name: "Total Sales",
      value: 80,
    prices: [
      { amount: "1000", name: "Target" },
      { amount: "224", name: "Last Week" },
      { amount: "965", name: "Last Month" }

  bar_graph =  {
    legend: [
      { value: 1000, label: "Target" },
      { value: 543, label: "Last Week" },
    data: [{
      name: "Sales Report",
      data: [343, 135, 665, 903, 571, 191, 173, 520, 917]

  grid_data = [
    { title: "New Clients", value: 35, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" },
    { title: "Returning Clients", value: 8, percent: 5.0, status: "positive" },
    { title: "VIP Clients", value: 1, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" },
    { title: "Orders on Clients", value: 1.44, percent: 5.0, status: "positive" },
    { title: "Bounce on Clients", value: 30.77, unit: "%", percent: 5.0, status: "positive" },
    { title: "Days Between Orders", value: 3, percent: 0.0, unit: "days" },
    { title: "New Orders", value: 26, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" },
    { title: "Confirmed Orders", value: 15, percent: 11.0, status: "negative" },

  def sign(data)
    data.key?(:status) ? ( data[:status] == "positive" ? "+" : "-" ) : ""

  <%# Completion Chart %>

    <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", border_none: true, shadow: "deeper",margin: "sm" }) do %>
      <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between"}) do %>
        <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "Pipeline Chart", tag: "h4", size: 4, padding: "sm" }) %> 
        <%= pb_rails("circle_icon_button", props: {
          variant: "link",
          icon: "ellipsis-h"
        }) %>
      <% end %>
      <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %>
        <% pipeline_data.each do |info| %>
          <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between", padding: "sm"}) do %>
            <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: {fixed_size: "100px"}) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: info[:label], size: 'xs' }) %>
            <% end %>
            <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: {grow:true}) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center", spacing: "around"}) do %>
                <%= pb_rails("progress_simple", props: { width: "100px",percent: info[:percent] }) %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { margin_left: "xs", text: "#{info[:percent]}%", size: 'xs' }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
              <% end %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                <%= pb_rails("body", props: {text: "#{info[:value]}"}) %>
                <% end %>
            <% end %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>



  <%# Grid %>
    <%= pb_rails("card", props: { border_none: true, shadow: "deeper",padding:"none", margin: "sm"}) do %>
      <div class="gridone">
        <% ticket_data.each do |ticket|%>
          <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "white", padding: "md"}) do %>
            <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {horizontal: "left", vertical: "center"}) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item",props:{fixed_size: "215px"}) do %>
                <%= pb_rails("icon_stat_value", props: ticket ) %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>

  <%# Bar Graph with Legend %>
    <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", margin: "sm", border_none: true, shadow: "deeper" }) do %>

      <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between"}) do %>
        <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "Total Revenue", tag: "h4", size: 4, padding: "sm" }) %> 
        <%= pb_rails("circle_icon_button", props: {
          variant: "link",
          icon: "ellipsis-h"
        }) %>
      <% end %>
      <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %>

      <%= pb_rails("card/card_body", props: {  padding_top: "sm" }) do %>
        <%= pb_rails("bar_graph", props: {
            chart_data: bar_graph[:data],
            id: "bar-default",
            y_axis_min: 0,
            height: "75%",
        }) %>
      <% end %>

        <%= pb_rails("section_separator", props: { margin_y: "md" }) %>

        <%= pb_rails("card/card_body") do %>
          <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
            <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { classname: "flex-container", spacing: "between", horizontal: "center", margin: "xs", wrap: true }) do %>
              <% bar_graph[:legend].each do |price| %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin_x: "xl" }) do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("currency", props: {
                    amount: price[:value].to_s,
                    label: price[:label],
                    emphasized: false,
                    margin_bottom: "md",
                    size: "md",
                    symbol: "$",
                    variant: "light",
                  }) %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>

    <% end %>

  <%# Number Grid %>

    <%= pb_rails("card", props: { border_none: true, shadow: "deeper", margin:"sm", padding:"none" }) do %>
        <div class="gridtwo">
        <% grid_data.each do |data| %>
             <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "white", padding: "md"}) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { orientation: "column", wrap: true}) do %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: data[:title] }) %>
                <% end %>
                <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                  <%= pb_rails("flex") do %>
                    <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                      <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "#{data[:value]}#{data.key?(:unit) ? " " + data[:unit] : "" }", tag: "h3", size: 3 }) %>
                    <% end %>
                    <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item") do %>
                      <%= pb_rails("body", props: { text: "#{sign(data)}#{data[:percent].to_i}%", status: data.key?(:status) ? data[:status] : nil, value: data[:percent], margin_left: "xs" }) %>
                    <% end %>
                  <% end %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>

  <%# Gauge With Legend %>

    <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", border_none: true, shadow: "deeper", margin: "sm" }) do %>

     <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {vertical: "center",spacing: "between"}) do %>
        <%= pb_rails("title", props: { text: "Total Revenue", tag: "h4", size: 4, padding: "sm" }) %> 
        <%= pb_rails("circle_icon_button", props: {
          variant: "link",
          icon: "ellipsis-h"
        }) %>
      <% end %>
      <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %>

      <%= pb_rails("card/card_body", props: {  margin_top: "sm" }) do %>
        <%= pb_rails("flex", props: {orientation: "column", vertical: "center", horizontal: "center"}) do %>
          <%= pb_rails("gauge", props: {
            id: "full-circle",
            chart_data: total_revenue_green[:data],
            full_circle: true,
          }) %>
          <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: "Total sales made today" }) %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>

      <%= pb_rails("section_separator", props: { margin_y: "md" }) %>

      <%= pb_rails("card/card_body", props: { padding: "none" }) do %>
        <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { classname: "flex-container", spacing: "between", horizontal: "center", margin: "xs", wrap: true }) do %>
          <% total_revenue_green[:prices].each do |price| %>
            <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { margin: "sm" }) do %>
              <%= pb_rails("currency", props: {
                amount: price[:amount],
                label: price[:name],
                margin_bottom: "md",
                size: "md",
                symbol: "$",
                variant: "light",
              }) %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>

    <% end %>
  display: grid;
  gap: 1px;
  background-color: #e4e8f0; /* $border_light */
  grid-template: auto auto / auto auto;
  grid-template: repeat(2,auto) / repeat(4,1fr);