Skeleton Loading

The Skeleton Loading kit can be used an intermediate loading state to give users a visual indication that content is loading.

Please Note: this kit is not meant to be integrated interally within other Playbook kits as a loading prop; rather, it can be used to create a composite of the section/kit/page with loading intermediataries, as demonstrated in the the "example component" doc examples.



The SkeletonLoading component has a default and a white color variant.


Use the stack and gap props in conjunction to layer multiple Skeleton loading bars on top of each other.

stack accepts a number that correlates to the number of rows (1 is default), and gap accepts a portion of our spacing props (xxs as default, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl) to set the pixel distance between each row. gap will not do anything if there is no corresponding stack prop set.

Border Radius

The borderRadius prop accepts all of our BorderRadius tokens, with sm as default.

Height & Width

The height and width props accept pixel and percentage values. If using a percentage for height, the parent container must have a set height.

Set the height and width props to the same value to make a square. A rounded borderRadius will make a square a circle. If using percentages to make a square, your parent container must also be a square.

User Component Example

Filter Component Example

Available Props