Multi Level Select


The MultiLevelSelect kit renders a multi leveled select dropdown based on data from the user. treeData is a required prop that is expected to contain the data in the form of an array of objects. See code snippet for an example data array.

For the React version of the kit, the onSelect prop returns an array of objects. This array contains all checked items irrespective of whether it is a parent, child or grandchild. Open the console on this example and check and uncheck checkboxes to see this is action!

For the Rails version of the kit, there is no onselect. The form submits as a array of strings, following the typical rails pattern of utilizing hidden inputs. The strings are the values of the selected items' ids. For example, ["103", "106", "107"].

React Hook

You can pass react-hook-form props to the MultiLevelSelect kit. Check your console to see the full data selected from this example.

Single Select

Optionally enable the single variant to replace checkboxes with radios so the input accepts and returns only a single selection.

Single Select w/ Hidden Radios

Dynamically control your selectable options by passing hideRadio: true to any node within your tree data to omit that node's radio selector. In this example we've hidden all radios except ultimate children (nodes without descendants).

Return All Selected

The returnAllSelected or return_all_selected prop can be used when users want data on all checked nodes from the dropdown, irrespective of whether it is a parent or child node.

NOTE: This variant also does not automatically uncheck the parent when any of the child nodes are unchecked. returnAllSelected is set to false by default.

NOTE: For larger trees that may return many pill selections, you can optionally set input_display: "none"(for Rails) or inputDisplay = "none"(for React) to hide all pills within the input.

Selected Ids

selected_ids is an optional prop that accepts an array of ids and controls the selected state of the tree nodes that match the values passed. When used within react-hook-form, this prop can be used to manage the selected state of any ids passed to it.

Items that include checked:true on the treeData itself will also be selected on page load, even without being passed to selectedIds.

When an item is marked as checked on page load by any means, the dropdown will expand to show the checked items for easier accessibility.

With Pills (Custom Color)

Change the form pill color by passing the optional pillColor prop. Product, Data, and Status colors are available options. Check them out here in the Form Pill colors example.

Checkboxes With Children

The MultiLevelSelect also provides a subcomponent structure which can be used to render children to the right of the Checkboxes and their labels. As seen in the code snippet below, these children have access to the current item being iterated over which can be used for conditional rendering.

Single Select With Children

The MultiLevelSelect subcomponent structure is also available in the 'Single Select' variant. In this variant, the children will be rendered to the right of the Radios and their labels.


Available Props