An icon is a graphic symbol that represents an object (ie a file) or a function. They can be used to give the user feedback.
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'playbook-ui' const IconRotate = (props) => { return ( <div> <Icon fixedWidth icon="user" rotation={90} size="2x" /> <Icon fixedWidth icon="user" rotation={180} size="2x" /> <Icon fixedWidth icon="user" rotation={270} size="2x" /> </div> ) } export default IconRotate
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'playbook-ui' const IconFlip = (props) => { return ( <div> <Icon fixedWidth flip="horizontal" icon="question-circle" size="2x" /> <Icon fixedWidth flip="vertical" icon="question-circle" size="2x" /> <Icon fixedWidth flip="both" icon="question-circle" size="2x" /> </div> ) } export default IconFlip
A spinner icon can show a user that something is loading or saving.
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'playbook-ui' const IconAnimate = (props) => { return ( <div> <p> <Icon fixedWidth icon="spinner" size="2x" spin /> {' '} <span>{'Spin'}</span> </p> <br /> <p> <Icon fixedWidth icon="spinner" pulse size="2x" /> {' '} <span>{'Pulse'}</span> </p> </div> ) } export default IconAnimate
Icon Pull can be used to indicate that the user can perform a pull action.
import React from 'react' import Icon from 'playbook-ui' const IconSizes = (props) => { return ( <div> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="lg" /> {' '} <span>{'Large'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="sm" /> {' '} <span>{'Small'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="xs" /> {' '} <span>{'XSmall'}</span> </p> <br /> <br /> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="1x" /> {' '} <span>{'1x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="2x" /> {' '} <span>{'2x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="3x" /> {' '} <span>{'3x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="4x" /> {' '} <span>{'4x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="5x" /> {' '} <span>{'5x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="6x" /> {' '} <span>{'6x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="7x" /> {' '} <span>{'7x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="8x" /> {' '} <span>{'8x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="9x" /> {' '} <span>{'9x'}</span> </p> <p> <Icon icon="user" size="10x" /> {' '} <span>{'10x'}</span> </p> </div> ) } export default IconSizes
When using custom icons it is important to introduce a "clean" SVG. In order to ensure these custom icons perform as intended within your kit(s), ensure these things have been modified from the original SVG markup:
Attributes must be React compatible e.g. xmlns:xlink
should be xmlnsXlink
and so on. There should be no hyphenated attributes and no semi-colons!.
Fill colors with regards to g
or path
nodes, e.g. fill="black"
, should be replaced with currentColor
ala fill="currentColor"
. Your mileage may vary depending on the complexity of your SVG.
Pay attention to your custom icon's dimensions and viewBox
attribute. It is best to use a viewBox="0 0 512 512"
starting point when designing instead of trying to retrofit the viewbox afterwards!
You must source your own SVG into component/view you are working on. This can easily be done in programmatic and maintainable ways.
Sending the absolute path to the icon
prop results in an <SVG>
tag within the working view.
import React from 'react' import { Icon } from 'playbook-ui' const config = { icon: ( <svg viewBox="0 -256 1792 1792" xmlns="" > <g transform="matrix(1,0,0,-1,53.152542,1217.0847)"> <path d="m 384,64 q 0,26 -19,45 -19,19 -45,19 -26,0 -45,-19 -19,-19 -19,-45 0,-26 19,-45 19,-19 45,-19 26,0 45,19 19,19 19,45 z m 644,420 -682,-682 q -37,-37 -90,-37 -52,0 -91,37 L 59,-90 Q 21,-54 21,0 21,53 59,91 L 740,772 Q 779,674 854.5,598.5 930,523 1028,484 z m 634,435 q 0,-39 -23,-106 Q 1592,679 1474.5,595.5 1357,512 1216,512 1031,512 899.5,643.5 768,775 768,960 q 0,185 131.5,316.5 131.5,131.5 316.5,131.5 58,0 121.5,-16.5 63.5,-16.5 107.5,-46.5 16,-11 16,-28 0,-17 -16,-28 L 1152,1120 V 896 l 193,-107 q 5,3 79,48.5 74,45.5 135.5,81 61.5,35.5 70.5,35.5 15,0 23.5,-10 8.5,-10 8.5,-25 z" /> </g> </svg> ), } const IconCustom = (props) => { return ( <React.Fragment> <p> <Icon icon={config.icon} /> </p> <p> <Icon icon={config.icon} rotation={90} size="2x" /> </p> <p> <Icon icon={config.icon} size="3x" spin /> </p> <p> <Icon icon={config.icon} size="5x" /> </p> <p> <Icon flip="horizontal" icon={config.icon} size="5x" /> </p> </React.Fragment> ) } export default IconCustom
Our Icon kit allows integration with FontAwesome's custom kit functionality out-of-the-box.
All you need to do is 3 things:
1) Import your custom-icon.js file as outlined in the FontAwesome docs.
2) Use our fontStyle prop called "fak" so that our Icon component knows you are using a "fa-kit" icon.
3) Pass in your FaKit name as a string to our icon prop (This is the name that you designated when you uploaded the icon on their site).
Pass any text, status, data, product, or category Playbook color token to the color
prop to change any icon's color.
import React from "react" import Icon from 'playbook-ui' const IconDefault = (props) => { return ( <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column"}}> <Icon color="primary" fixedWidth icon="user" paddingBottom="sm" size="2x" /> <Icon color="data_4" fixedWidth icon="recycle" paddingBottom="sm" size="2x" /> <Icon color="product_5_background" fixedWidth icon="product-roofing" size="2x" /> </div> ) } export default IconDefault
Be careful of use cases where there should be a clickable area around the icon. Icon Circle Button may need to be used instead.