Home Address Street

This kit can be used to display the address for a homeowner/project. It contains street address, APT format, City, state and zip. A Project hashtag can be used as a prop to link back to a project.


Use this kit on tables, card displays, or on modals. It's versatile for displaying in the most condensed areas.


Emphasis on street happens by default. (no prop needed)
Emphasis on "city" makes the city emphasized, rather than the street.
Adding "none" to emphasis prop will provide no emphasis.



Use the target prop to control whether the link opens on the same or a new tab (same page is the default behavior). You can use any web/standard values or a custom string to specify your link target.


The state prop will always capitalize the state name, even if the data entered is in lowercase. For example, when state="pa" is passed, it will be rendered as "PA". When you pass preserveCase, the street address will be rendered exactly as entered, without automatic title capitalization.

Things To Avoid

Don’t change the design format (Bold fonts and light fonts), and keep the text stacked. Do not use on a singe line.

Available Props