import React from 'react' import { Gauge } from 'playbook-ui' const data1 = [ { name: 'Data Used', value: 32 }, ] const data2 = [ { name: 'Sales to Date', value: 65 }, ] const GaugeUnits = (props) => ( <div> <Gauge chartData={data1} id="gauge-units1" suffix="GB" title="Data Usage" /> <Gauge chartData={data2} id="gauge-units2" prefix="$" suffix="k" title="Sales Goal" /> </div> ) export default GaugeUnits
import React from 'react' import { Gauge } from 'playbook-ui' const data = [ { name: 'Capacity', value: 75 }, ] const GaugeFullCircle = (props) => ( <div> <Gauge chartData={data} fullCircle id="gauge-full-circle" suffix="%" title="Seating Capacity" /> </div> ) export default GaugeFullCircle
to hidden on the parent element when nesting gauges inside of a flex items to best respond to shrinking screens. import React from 'react' import { Flex, FlexItem, Gauge } from 'playbook-ui' const GaugeSizing = (props) => ( <div> <Flex align="center" wrap > <FlexItem fixedSize="400px" overflow="hidden" shrink > <Gauge chartData={[ { name: 'Point 1', value: 100 } ]} id="gauge-sizing4" /> </FlexItem> <FlexItem fixedSize="300px" overflow="hidden" shrink > <Gauge chartData={[ { name: 'Point 2', value: 75 } ]} id="gauge-sizing3" /> </FlexItem> <FlexItem fixedSize="200px" overflow="hidden" shrink > <Gauge chartData={[ { name: 'Point 3', value: 50 } ]} id="gauge-sizing2" /> </FlexItem> <FlexItem fixedSize="125px" overflow="hidden" shrink > <Gauge chartData={[ { name: 'Point 4', value: 25 } ]} height="100%" id="gauge-sizing1" /> </FlexItem> </Flex> </div> ) export default GaugeSizing
import React from 'react' import { Gauge } from 'playbook-ui' const GaugeHeight = (props) => ( <div> <Gauge chartData={[ { name: 'Pixels', value: 400 } ]} height="400" id="gauge-height-px" suffix="px" title="Fixed Height in Pixels" /> <Gauge chartData={[ { name: 'Percentage', value: 45 } ]} height="45%" id="gauge-height-percent" suffix="%" title="Height as Percentage of Width" /> </div> ) export default GaugeHeight
import React, { useState } from 'react' import { Button, Gauge } from 'playbook-ui' const GaugeLiveData = (props) => { const [value, setValue] = useState(50) const [name, setName] = useState('Name') const updateValue = () => { setValue(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)) } const updateName = () => { let index = namesArray.indexOf(name) if (namesArray.indexOf(name) == 5) { index = 0 } else { index += 1 } setName(namesArray[index]) } const namesArray = ['Name', 'Windows', 'Doors', 'Roofing', 'Siding', 'Gutters'] return ( <div> <Button onClick={updateValue} text="Update Value" /> <Button onClick={updateName} text="Update Name" /> <Gauge chartData={[{ name: name, value: value }]} id="gauge-live-data" /> </div> ) } export default GaugeLiveData
Custom data colors allow for color customization to match the needs of business requirements.
Pass the prop colors
and use ONE desired value data-1 | data-2 | data-3 | data-4 | data-5 | data-6 | data-7 | data-8
in an array. Hex colors are also available eg: #CA0095
We are able to wrap our Gauge kits within multiple other Flex and Card components.
import React from "react"; import { Title, Card, Gauge, Flex, FlexItem, SectionSeparator, Body, Caption, } from "playbook-ui"; const data = [{ name: "Name", value: 10 }]; const GaugeComplex = (props) => ( <Flex gap="sm" padding="xl" wrap > <FlexItem flex={1} grow > <Card maxWidth="xs" padding="md" > <Title paddingBottom="sm" size={4} text="Abandoned Calls" /> <Flex align="stretch" > <Flex marginRight="sm" orientation="column" > <Body color="light" paddingBottom="sm" text="Total Abandoned" /> <Flex align="baseline" paddingBottom="xs" > <Title size={1} text="39" /> <Title color="light" size={3} text="calls" /> </Flex> <Caption size="xs" text="of 390" /> </Flex> <SectionSeparator alignSelf="stretch" marginRight="sm" orientation="vertical" /> <Flex orientation="column" wrap > <Body color="light" text="% Abandoned" /> <Flex wrap > <FlexItem fixedSize="150px" overflow="hidden" shrink > <Gauge chartData={data} disableAnimation height="150" id="gauge-complex" suffix="%" /> </FlexItem> </Flex> </Flex> </Flex> </Card> </FlexItem> </Flex> ); export default GaugeComplex;