Date Time Stacked



VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: Spacing.small) {
    timeZoneIdentifier: "EDT",
    isLowercase: true,
    isMonthStacked: true,
    isMonthBold: true
    timeZoneIdentifier: "EDT",
    isYearDisplayed: true,
    isLowercase: true,
    isMonthStacked: true,
    isMonthBold: true,
    isYearBold: true,
    dateVariant: .standard
    timeZoneIdentifier: "GMT+9",
    isLowercase: true,
    isMonthStacked: true,
    isMonthBold: true
    timeZoneIdentifier: "MDT",
    isLowercase: true,
    isMonthStacked: true,
    isMonthBold: true


Name Type Description Default Values
dateTime Date Takes a date type to calculate the current date Date()
timeDate Date Takes a date type to calculate the current time Date()
timeZoneIdentifier String A string value that is used in a function to get the correct time in the corrresponding time zone. This value is also used to display the time zone next to the time
isYearDisplayed Bool Determines whether or not the year is displayed with the month and day false true false
isLowercase Bool Determines whether or not am/pm is capitalized false true false
isMonthStacked Bool Determines whether or not the value for month is stacked over the date false true false
isMonthBold Bool Determines whether or not the month is in bold false true false
isYearBold Bool Determines whether or not the year is in bold false true false
dateAlignment HorizontalAlignment Sets alignment of date .trailing leading center trailing
timeAlignment HorizontalAlignment Sets alignment of the time zone .leading leading center trailing
dateVariant Variant Allows user to choose the style in which the date is displayed .short(showIcon: false) .short(showIcon: false) .dayDate(showYear: false) .standard .withIcon(isStandard: true) .withIcon(isStandard: false)
timeVariant Variant Allows user to choose the style in which the time is displayed .time .time .iconTimeZone .withTimeZoneHeader
dateSize String Allows user to choose the size of the date that is being displayed .title4 title4 body caption large subcaption
timeStyle PBFont Allows user to choose the size of the time that is being displayed .caption body caption large subcaption
timeZoneStyle PBFont Allows user to choose the size of the time zone that is being displayed .caption body caption large subcaption