Circle Icon Button

When using Icon Circle Button, the icon must be clear a clear indication of what the button does because there is no text. Icon Circle Buttons take up less space on the page compared to normal buttons. The link variant is used for times you only want to have an icon for a button without having a background.


Click Handler


The link prop accepts a string that is used as an href value and causes the button to act as a link. The default behavior of a link is to open in the current window. You can optionally alter the link behavior by adding the newWindow prop (boolean), which will open the link in a new window, or by calling the target prop, which accepts _self, _blank, _parent, _top, child, or any string, allowing you to specify any link target.


Things to Avoid

Never use more than one primary button on a page at any given time.

UI Samples using Circle Icon Button Kit

Get the full picture. See how this kit is used in our samples.

Available Props