
Bread Crumbs



Icon used needs to be square. Icon size is 24px by 24px.

All Nav variants' navItems accept our global Spacing (padding, margin) props for custom spacing requirements. This example uses paddingY="xxs" and margin="none" on the bold variant to show this in action!

All Nav variants' navItems accept the following props for customizing font:

  • fontSize / font_size defaults to normal, also accepts small
  • fontWeight / font_weight defaults to regular, also accepts bold and bolder

The collapsible prop allows users to create a nested, collapsible nav. Pass collapsible to any NavItem and pass that navItem any number of NavItems as children to create a collapsible nav.

The optional collapsed prop can also be used to set the default state for the collapsed nav on first render of the page. collapsed takes a boolean value that is set to true (meaning nav is collapsed) by default. Set it to false as shown here to have the nav open on first render.

Collapsible Navs optionally accept the following props:

  • collapsibleTrail / collapsible_trail, enables a vertical guideline to the left of the collapsible nav's children
  • iconRight optionally accepts an array of 2 icon values; the first is used as the default icon when the node is collapsed, the second is toggled when the node is expanded. If only 1 icon value is passed, the icon will not toggle between collapsible states.

Optionally remove the expand/collapse icon(s) from any collapsible nav item by passing "none" to the icon_right prop on that nav item.

Tab Nav

This is about!
This is case studies!
This is service!
This is contacts!

The Nav kit can also be used to create dynamic tabbing. To do so, use the boolean tabbing prop as shown here.

All divs you want to use as tabs MUST have an id attached to them. To link the tab to the nav, use the required data attribute pb_tab_target on each nav/item and pass it the id of the tab you want linked to that specific nav/item. See code example below to see this in action.



  • 1
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

  • Disclaimer

    Our Pagination kit depends on the will_paginate library. Please follow the basic will_paginate setup.

    Once you have perfomed the paginated query in your controller file you can use our kit (see code example below) instead of <%= will_paginate @users %> in your view file.

    You need to add: require "playbook/pagination_renderer" in your apps controller file.