

Full Page Samples

Music App

Your Library
Made For You
Recently Played
Liked Songs
Adrenaline Workout
New Music Friday
RetroWave / Outrun
Tiki Torch
New Playlist
Maria Illescas

Maria Illescas


Your top podcasts

Side Hustle School
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
The Devslopes Podcast with Mark Wahlbeck
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
Philosophize This!
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
How I Built This With Guy Raz
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...

Made for you

Get better recommendations the more you listen.
Daily Mix 1
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
Daily Mix 2
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
Daily Mix 3
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
Daily Mix 4
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
Daily Mix 5
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...
Daily Mix 6
A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr...

Change Will Come

Cut Snake
Copy to Clipboard
<% # This is a small hack for playbook docs only %> <% # You can pass dark as a prop to the rails kits%> <% previously_darkmode = cookies[:dark_mode] %> <% cookies[:dark_mode] = { value: "true" } %> <style type="text/css"> .fullHeight { height: 100%; } .volume-bar { max-width: 100px; min-width: 25px; } </style> <% def randomImageUrl; "{Random.rand(1000)}/175" end %> <% yourLibraryLinks = ["Made For You", "Recently Played", "Liked Songs", "Albums", "Artists", "Podcasts"]%> <% playlists = ["podcasts", "THENX", "Adrenaline Workout", "New Music Friday", "RetroWave / Outrun", "Tiki Torch"] %> <% playlistCardSubtext = "A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr..." %> <% playlistCardTitles = ["Side Hustle School", "The Devslopes Podcast with Mark Wahlbeck", "Borrasca", "Philosophize This!", "How I Built This With Guy Raz"] %> <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "dark", padding: "none" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { horizontal: "stretch", orientation: "column"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: {grow: true}) do %> <%= pb_rails("layout", props: {collapse: "lg", position: "left", size: "sm", variant: "dark" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("layout/sidebar") do %> <!-- ---------------------------- Sidebar ---------------------------- --> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { classname: "fullHeight", horizontal: "stretch", orientation: "column", spacing: "between" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_right: "sm", spacing: "between", wrap: true }) do %> <div> <%= pb_rails("table", props: { container: false, disableHover: true, margin_top: "md", responsive: "none", size: "sm" }) do %> <tbody> <%= pb_rails("table/table_row", props: { side_highlight_color: "category_2" }) do %> <td> <%= pb_rails("body") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "home", margin_right: "xs" }) %> Home <% end %> </td> <% end %> <tr> <td> <%= pb_rails("body") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "music", margin_right: "xs" }) %> Browse <% end %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <%= pb_rails("body") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "radio", margin_right: "xs" }) %> Radio <% end %> </td> </tr> </tbody> <% end %> </div> <div> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { padding_left: "lg", padding_top: "lg", text: "Your Library" }) %> <% yourLibraryLinks.each do |link| %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "lighter", padding: "none", padding_bottom: "xs", padding_left: "lg", text: link }) %> <% end %> </div> <div> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { padding_left: "lg", padding_top: "lg", text: "Playlists" }) %> <% playlists.each do |link| %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "lighter", padding: "none", padding_bottom: "xs", padding_left: "lg", text: link }) %> <% end %> </div> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { grow: true }) do %><% end %> <div> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_y: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "plus-circle", margin_left: "lg", margin_right: "xs" }) %> New Playlist <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> </div> <% end %> <!-- ---------------------------- end Side ---------------------------- --> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("layout/body") do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { class_name: "fullHeight", horizontal: "stretch", orientation: "column"}) do %> <!-- ---------------------------- Header ---------------------------- --> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_left: "lg", padding_y: "xs", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "lighter" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "chevron-left", margin_x: "xl", padding: "none", size: "1x" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "chevron-right", size: "1x", padding: "none", margin_right: "lg" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("text_input", props: { margin_top: "xs", placeholder: "Search" }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { grow: true }) do %><% end %> <%= pb_rails("user", props: { align: "left", avatar_url: "", name: "Maria Illescas", orientation: "horizontal", padding_right: "sm" }) %> <%= pb_rails("body") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "chevron-down", size: "1x", padding: "none", margin_right: "sm" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <!-- ---------------------------- end Header ---------------------------- --> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { grow: true }) do %><% end %> <!-- ---------------------------- BODY ---------------------------- --> <%= pb_rails("card", props: { padding: "none", padding_bottom: "xs"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { margin_x: "lg", horizontal: "stretch", orientation: "column", padding_top: "lg", padding_x: "xl" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { margin_bottom: "sm", size: 1, text: "Home" }) %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { size: 4, text: "Your top podcasts" }) %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm", wrap: true}) do %> <% playlistCardTitles.each do |title| %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "175px", padding_right: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("image", props: { url: randomImageUrl }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: title }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: playlistCardSubtext }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { spacing: "between", vertical: "bottom"}) do %> <div> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding_top: "sm", size: 4, text: "Made for you" }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: "Get better recommendations the more you listen." }) %> </div> <div> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_bottom: "xs" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { color: "lighter" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "chevron-left", margin_right: "sm", padding: "none" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body") do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "chevron-right", padding: "none" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> </div> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { padding_top: "sm", wrap: true}) do %> <% 6.times do |i| %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "175px", padding_right: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("image", props: { url: randomImageUrl }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { text: "Daily Mix #{i + 1}" }) %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: playlistCardSubtext }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <!-- ---------------------------- end BODY ---------------------------- --> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <!-- ---------------------------- FOOTER ---------------------------- --> <%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "dark", padding: "none" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { horizontal: "center", padding: "xs", vertical: "stretch", wrap: true }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "22%", grow: true }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("image", props: {margin_left: "xs", url: randomImageUrl })%> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_left: "sm" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex") do %> <%= pb_rails("title", props: { size: 4, text: "Change Will Come" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { fixed_width: true, icon: "heart", margin_left: "xs" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: "Cut Snake" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "56%", grow: true, margin_top: "xs" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { orientation: "column", vertical: "center", horizontal: "stretch" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { margin_bottom: "xs" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { horizontal: "center", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { margin_x: "sm", icon: "random" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { margin_x: "sm", icon: "step-backward" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { margin_x: "sm", icon: "play-circle", size:"2x" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { margin_x: "sm", icon: "step-forward" }) %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { margin_x: "sm", icon: "repeat" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { horzontal: "center", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: {margin_right: "sm", text: "2:00" }) %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { grow: true }) do %> <%= pb_rails("progress_simple", props: { muted: true, percent: 20 }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { margin_left: "sm", text: "10:00" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { fixed_size: "22%", grow: true }) do %> <%= pb_rails("flex", props: { classname: "fullHeight", horizontal: "right", vertical: "center" }) do %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_right: "sm"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "list-music" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_right: "sm"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "computer-speaker" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_right: "sm"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "volume" }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("flex/flex_item", props: { classname: "volume-bar", grow: true }) do %> <%= pb_rails("progress_simple", props: { muted: true, percent: 30 }) %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("body", props: { padding_x: "sm"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("icon", props: { icon: "expand-alt" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <!-- ---------------------------- End Footer ---------------------------- --> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% cookies[:dark_mode] = previously_darkmode %>
<% # This is a small hack for playbook docs only %>
<% # You can pass dark as a prop to the rails kits%>
<% previously_darkmode = cookies[:dark_mode] %>
<% cookies[:dark_mode] = { value: "true" } %>

<style type="text/css">
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    height: 100%;

  .volume-bar {
    max-width: 100px;
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<% def randomImageUrl;  "{Random.rand(1000)}/175" end %>
<% yourLibraryLinks = ["Made For You", "Recently Played", "Liked Songs", "Albums", "Artists", "Podcasts"]%>
<% playlists = ["podcasts", "THENX", "Adrenaline Workout", "New Music Friday", "RetroWave / Outrun", "Tiki Torch"] %>

<% playlistCardSubtext = "A daily show for anyone who works a regular job and wants to start an income-earning pr..." %>
<% playlistCardTitles = ["Side Hustle School", "The Devslopes Podcast with Mark Wahlbeck", "Borrasca",
                             "Philosophize This!", "How I Built This With Guy Raz"] %>

<%= pb_rails("background", props: { background_color: "dark", padding: "none" }) do %>
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                        <% end %>
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                                        padding_bottom: "xs", padding_left: "lg", text: link }) %>
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                                        padding_bottom: "xs", padding_left: "lg", text: link }) %>
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                New Playlist
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                <%= pb_rails("section_separator") %>

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                    <%= pb_rails("title", props: { padding_top: "sm", size: 4, text: "Made for you" }) %>
                    <%= pb_rails("caption",
                                 props: { size: "xs", text: "Get better recommendations the more you listen." }) %>
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                      <%= pb_rails("image", props: { url: randomImageUrl }) %>
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                      <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: playlistCardSubtext }) %>
                    <% end %>
                  <% end %>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
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<!-- ---------------------------- end BODY ---------------------------- -->
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              <% end %>
              <%= pb_rails("caption", props: { size: "xs", text: "Cut Snake" }) %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>

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            <% end %>
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      <% end %>
    <% end %>
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<% end %>

<% cookies[:dark_mode] = previously_darkmode %>