

Full Page Samples

Analytics Dashboard

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<%= pb_rails("layout", props: {full: true, position: "left", size: "xl", collapse: "md"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("layout/sidebar") do %> <br> <%= pb_rails("user", props: { name: "Jon Zazula", title: "User Experience Designer", orientation: "horizontal", align: "left", margin_left: "md", size: "md", avatar_url: "" }) %> <br> <hr style="height:1px;border:none;color:#e4e8f0;background-color:#e4e8f0;margin: 15px;" /> <%= pb_rails("nav", props: {variant: "subtle"}) do %> <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "city", text: "City", link: "#" }) %> <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "user-friends", text: "People", link: "#", icon_right: "angle-down" }) %> <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "user-tie", text: "Growth Dashboard", link: "#", active: true }) %> <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "clock", text: "History", link: "#" }) %> <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "clipboard", text: "Memos", link: "#", icon_right: "angle-down" }) %> <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "phone", text: "Contacts", link: "#" }) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= pb_rails("layout/body") do %> <% data = [{ name: 'Installation', data: [154175] }, { name: 'Manufacturing', data: [40434] }, { name: 'Sales & Distribution', data: [39387] }, { name: 'Project Development', data: [34227] }, { name: 'Other', data: [18111] }] %> <%= pb_rails("bar_graph", props: { axis_title: 'Number of Employees', chart_data: data, id: "bar-test", point_start: 2012, subtitle: 'Source:', title: 'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016', padding_top: "md" }) %> <% data2 = [{ name: 'Installation', data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658, 97031, 119931, 137133, 154175] }, { name: 'Manufacturing', data: [24916, 24064, 29742, 29851, 32490, 30282, 38121, 40434] }, { name: 'Sales & Distribution', data: [11744, 17722, 16005, 19771, 20185, 24377, 32147, 39387] }, { name: 'Project Development', data: [nil, nil, 7988, 12169, 15112, 22452, 34400, 34227] }, { name: 'Other', data: [12908, 5948, 8105, 11248, 8989, 11816, 18274, 18111] }] %> <%= pb_rails("line_graph", props: { id: "line-test", gradient: false, chart_data: data2, point_start: 1, title: 'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016', subtitle: 'Source:', axis_title: 'Number of Employees' } ) %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= pb_rails("layout", props: {full: true, position: "left", size: "xl", collapse: "md"}) do %>
  <%= pb_rails("layout/sidebar") do %>
    <%= pb_rails("user", props: {
          name: "Jon Zazula",
          title: "User Experience Designer",
          orientation: "horizontal",
          align: "left",
          margin_left: "md",
          size: "md",
          avatar_url: ""
      }) %>

    <hr style="height:1px;border:none;color:#e4e8f0;background-color:#e4e8f0;margin: 15px;" />

    <%= pb_rails("nav", props: {variant: "subtle"}) do %>
      <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "city", text: "City", link: "#" }) %>
      <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "user-friends", text: "People", link: "#", icon_right: "angle-down" }) %>
      <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "user-tie", text: "Growth Dashboard", link: "#", active: true }) %>
      <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "clock", text: "History", link: "#" }) %>
      <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "clipboard", text: "Memos", link: "#", icon_right: "angle-down" }) %>
      <%= pb_rails("nav/item", props: { icon_left: "phone", text: "Contacts", link: "#" }) %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <%= pb_rails("layout/body") do %> 

    <% data = [{
        name: 'Installation',
        data: [154175]
    }, {
        name: 'Manufacturing',
        data: [40434]
    }, {
        name: 'Sales & Distribution',
        data: [39387]
    }, {
        name: 'Project Development',
        data: [34227]
    }, {
        name: 'Other',
        data: [18111]
    }] %>

    <%= pb_rails("bar_graph", props: {
        axis_title: 'Number of Employees',
        chart_data: data,
        id: "bar-test",
        point_start: 2012,
        subtitle: 'Source:',
        title: 'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016',
        padding_top: "md"
    }) %>

    <% data2 = [{
        name: 'Installation',
        data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658, 97031, 119931, 137133, 154175]
    }, {
        name: 'Manufacturing',
        data: [24916, 24064, 29742, 29851, 32490, 30282, 38121, 40434]
    }, {
        name: 'Sales & Distribution',
        data: [11744, 17722, 16005, 19771, 20185, 24377, 32147, 39387]
    }, {
        name: 'Project Development',
        data: [nil, nil, 7988, 12169, 15112, 22452, 34400, 34227]
    }, {
        name: 'Other',
        data: [12908, 5948, 8105, 11248, 8989, 11816, 18274, 18111]
    }] %>

    <%= pb_rails("line_graph", props: { id: "line-test", gradient: false, chart_data: data2, point_start: 1, title: 'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016', subtitle: 'Source:', axis_title: 'Number of Employees' }  ) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>