Icon Integration

Icons are small graphical elements that represent actions, objects, or concepts in a user interface. They are a crucial part of a UI's visual language and help users understand and interact with the interface efficiently. Here's a detailed overview of what icons entail with Playbook:

1. Navigation: Icons are often used in navigation elements such as menus, toolbars, and tabs to indicate different sections or features of an application.
2. Actions: They can represent actions that users can take, such as "delete," "edit," "save," or "share."
3. Status Indicators: Icons can indicate the status of an item or process, such as loading, errors, warnings, or success states.
4. Content Representation: Icons can represent different types of content, such as documents, images, videos, or files.
5. Feedback: Icons can provide feedback to users, such as confirmation of an action, alert messages, or progress indicators.

Playbook allows integration with Font Awesome icons as well as custom icons.
