How to Theme

For a comprehensive overview of our tokens, refer to the Tokens & Guidelines or review our variables.


Assigning Variable Values
Sass Variable Assignment
The !default Flag
Order of Variable Assignment
Example: Customizing z-index

Do you have design requirements that differ from Playbook's default settings?

You can customize and theme Playbook components by setting your own variable values instead of using the default Sass values.

Assigning Variable Values

Sass Variable Assignment

When you assign a new value to a Sass variable, the previous value is overwritten:

// Initial value
 $primary: red;

 // New value
 $primary: blue;

The !default Flag

To accommodate your design system needs, we use the !default flag with Playbook's tokens. This allows you to configure variables before the CSS is generated.

For instance, here are some of our color tokens:

$royal:               #0056CF !default;
 $purple:              #9E64E9 !default;
 $teal:                #00C4D7 !default;
 $default:             #93a8b8 !default;
 $primary:             $royal !default;

The !default flag ensures that a variable is assigned a value only if it hasn't already been defined or if its value is null. If the variable already has a value, the existing value will be retained:

// Custom value
 $primary: red;

 // Default value isn't assigned
 $primary: $royal !default;

For more details, refer to the Sass documentation.

Order of Variable Assignment

The order in which you assign variables is crucial when using !default. Ensure that you set your custom variables before Playbook Sass styles.

If you declare variables after importing Playbook, the default values will remain unchanged.

For example, if you first declare @import 'playbook.scss' and then set $primary to another color, Playbook components will use the default color instead of your custom color:

@import 'playbook.scss';

 // _colors.scss
 $primary: $royal !default;

 // _reset.scss
 // Link colors are $royal
 a {
  color: $primary;

 // application.scss
 // Only later uses of $primary are red
 $primary: red;

Example: Customizing z-index

Let's say you need to increase the max z-index value in Playbook.

Assign the variable before importing Playbook:

$z_10: 1000000;
 @import 'playbook.scss';

Alternatively, if you use the @use rule:

@use 'playbook' with (
   $z_10: 1000000,